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Accessibility Without Compromise

Jib is on a mission to bring every online business and user together by 2025 through efficient and affordable compliance and creative solutions.

Our Mission

An Accessible and Inclusive Web.

The ONLY way to create an accessible and inclusive web is to work together alongside the millions of businesses and users on the web. Through advanced technology, we are committed to full inclusion.

User-Oriented User-Oriented

Developed alongside and supported by actual users with an open mind, heart and set of ears.

Affordable Affordable

Accessibility means including everyone! This means the small to medium size businesses who should not remain inaccessible due to the cost.

Win-Win Solution Win-Win Solution

By making accessibility affordable for businesses, we are making the web inclusive for their users.

Scalable Scalable

Global impact is only achieved by a solution that can touch billions of users through millions of websites. A one-size-fits-all solution means no business is left behind.

Loved Loved

This is a lot more than just a legal solution, this is a real tool in real time for real users who must love the way it works.

Compliant Compliant

Accessibility is a civil right. We take it upon ourselves to provide every user with an equal opportunity and experience online.

Built Around What Businesses and Users Need Today.

The world is becoming increasingly digital. Accessibility means giving both businesses and users an equal opportunity to get online and experience each other without compromise.

Our Mission

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Our Mission